New Beginings

I dreamt last night that I was giving birth. 
"That's all about new beginnings" my friend has informed me, "it's cause you're starting this new trip"
Which rings true enough - I've just arrived back in Australia after 10 months of vagabond life across Europe, India and Malaysia. Except I landed on the wrong side.. Or, better put, the side that is the furthest possible distance from my home. 6000km, give or take..

Welcome to Perth!

It's not that I don't plan on returning home to far north Queensland, I do. It's just that I'm taking the long way home.. I'm taking the scenic route. I'm surrendering to my homesickness without stagnating my travel bug. And only partly to do with my inability to pay for a flight all the way home.. 

And so, with no car, very little money and a backpack that is no way prepared for this I begin my journey: hitchhiking from Perth to Cairns, with endless detours on the way, and every day lived with wild abandon.


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